100% true: Donald Trump claims a hole in one

Donald Trump is so notorious for his dishonesty on the golf course that his opponents nicknamed him “commander in cheat”.
Actor Samuel L Jackson recalls the President sending the ball into a lake, only for it to reappear on the fairway moments later. A former caddy swears he once saw Trump boot a rival’s ball from the green into a bunker.
And a plaque at Trump’s deluxe Florida resort lists him as the course champ in 1999, 2001 and 2009. It only opened in 2000.

So forgive our scepticism at the 45th President claim’s that he bagged a hole-in-one during a round with former world number one Ernie Els.
Trump issued a lengthy statement this week, assuring fans that it was “100% true” he completed the feat.
“I hit a 5-iron, which sailed magnificently into a rather strong wind, whereupon it bounced twice and then went clank, into the hole,” he explained.
There’s no actual footage of the shot, but Els insisted unconvincingly that it was “fun to watch the ball roll in”.
As for who won overall, Donald delivered a world class humblebrag, adding, “I won’t tell you who won because I am a very modest individual, and you will then say I was bragging – and I don’t like people who brag.”