10th Feb, 2022 Football

‘Oo the fook’s got my noomber?’: when some posh kids pranked Gary Neville

It’s early days for Gary Neville’s foray into politics, but he’s already made “opportunities for young people” one of his big projects.

Whatever that means, it probably won’t include the posh little shits who kept prank calling him a few years ago.

After pestering the Sky Sports pundit repeatedly, a slightly nervous public schoolboy named “John” phoned Neville to apologise, and did us the favour of recording the call.

“Oo the fook’s got my noomber?” demands Gaz repeatedly, while threatening to call the police.

Rattled, the prankster eventually pins it on Tony Adams son. “His son goes to Milfield School, and he knohws Henry, who’s given it to Ben Metcalfe, who goes to ah school,” he explains.

Neville, unimpressed, replies: “Shut up you fookin dick” before ordering John to bring him some names or face the long arm of the law.

It’s a really good listen.

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