Always great to hear from Novak Djokovic’s parents

As Novak Djokovic enjoys the kind of warm welcome Australia usually reserves for asylum seekers, his famously level-headed father is offering up the usual gibberish to the media.
Last time we heard from Srdjan Djokovic, he attacked fans who caught Covid at his son’s Adria Tour event, accusing them of trying to sabotage the tournament, his family and all of Serbia.
He was at it again yesterday, providing our quote of the week and making this slightly confusing speech:
Jesus was crucified and everything was done to him, and he endured, he is still alive among us.
They are trying to crucify Novak in the same way, to underestimate him, to bring him to his knees, to do everything to him.
My late grandmother Sara Jaukovic from Savnik always said ‘shame on you, girl, when you don’t have a face’.
Well, I’m telling them now, shame on you when you don’t have a cheek. To do that to the best athlete, tennis player in the world.
He also claimed it was an attack on Serbia, before his wife chipped in to suggest a different motive: “This is a clear political attack on Novak Djokovic so that he doesn’t win and doesn’t become the greatest of all time.”
Yep, it’s definitely that.