Back on the horse

Never a dull moment for Oisin Murphy, who started the week headbutting a bloke in a pub car park and finished it as this season’s champion jockey.
Witnesses say the Irishman, recently back from a six month cocaine ban, threatened then assaulted a bloodstock agent in Newmarket.
The victim gave his side of the story in a voice note:
I’m a bit shaken. I was chatting to a few pals in the pub and he comes up to me and goes ‘I don’t like you’ and smashes me with a glass in the face.It was a plastic glass thank god so there wasn’t too much damage. I went and tidied myself up and said to one of my pals let’s get out of here.
As I walked out, one of the guys I was with said we have to get him to apologise. I said fuck that guy apologising, and he came up to me and headbutted me.
Owsh failed a breathalyser test and wasn’t allowed to race the next day, which is unsurprising given he was so drunk he tried to glass someone with a plastic cup. That sort of sloppiness would never have happened in his cocaine days.
Anyway, a week later he was back in the saddle, riding to victory and ensuring he finishes this season as the top jockey. Swings and roundabouts.