Category Archives: Rugby League

9th Dec, 2021 Rugby League

How I met your mother

Back in August, we told you about Adam Elliot and Millie Boyle, the rugby league stars who were kicked out of a restaurant after staff caught them getting off in the loo.

At the time things looked bleak – Elliot lost his contract and the Orwellian-sounding NRL Integrity Unit were threatening to punish them further.

So we’re pleased to report some good news: the couple are now officially an item.

Separately, Elliot’s teammate Michael Lichaa has finally forgiven him after he walked in on Elliot in bed with his fiancee. All’s well that ends well!

25th Aug, 2021 Rugby League

Bog off: Aussie stars in trouble for knobbing in the loo

As Australia wages its war on freedom, the country’s sports stars are once again in the soup.

The latest offence? Two NRL players were caught getting off in a restaurant loo, and may now lose their jobs.

Adam Elliot and Millie Boyle snuck off for a smooch during a party at a Gold Coast restaurant, but staff spotted them in the men’s loos and kicked them out.

Not much of a crime, but Elliot’s club have suspended him for the rest of the season and the Orwellian-sounding NRL Integrity Unit is investigating. There’s talk of him losing his contract entirely.

Although in the interests of balance, we should acknowledge that Elliot is something of a wrong ‘un.

Earlier this season he agreed to have counselling after a teammate walked in on Elliot knobbing his fiancee.

And in 2018, he pleaded guilty to indecent exposure after stripping naked on a balcony during an end of season celebration.