Come out ma darling: inside Elton Jantjies’ plane meltdown

Duty calls for Trevor Burke QC, the Mr Loophole lawyer who specialises in drunken meltdowns on planes.
His likely next client – South Africa fly-half Elton Janties, who was greeted by police at Johannesburg airport after losing his marbles on a solo flight home from a family holiday.
Witnesses say a drunken Elton spent 10 minutes banging on a toilet door until his fists bled as he screamed “come out my darling” in Afrikaans at an Emirates stewardess who had locked herself inside.
“The blood of his knuckles was all over the toilet door, and he was moving through the cabin, smearing blood on people’s seats because he was walking clumsily,” recalled one passenger.
“A blonde Emirates hostess then came out of the bathroom, and you could see she was terrified,” they added.
Stay tuned for the inevitable Xanax and red wine defence…