“Do it to me”: Michael Clarke goes full trailer park

Cricket fans will remember former Aussie captain Michael Clarke as a baby-faced batsman with a cheeky smile and puppy dog eyes.
But these days the 41-year-old looks like a botoxed, permatanned hairdresser who bowls around in a convertible with a couple of yapping Shih Tzus in the passenger seat.
And it turns out he’s got the messy private life to match: a topless Clarke was filmed having an almighty screaming match with his girlfriend in a public park the the other night after she accused him of cheating.
Among the highlights: Clarke trying to start a fight with his TV presenter brother-in-law, who was trying to keep the peace.
The Neighbours-esque drama climaxes with Clarke begging her to slap him: “Do it to me! Do it to me!”, which she eventually does, causing a really satisfying sound.