Festival of Love: Silvio Berlusconi’s Christmas bonus

In an age of rampant greed and complex bonus structures, Monza owner Silvio Berlusconi takes an old school approach to incentivising his players.
Speaking at the club’s Christmas dinner, the permatanned old sleazebag told the squad: “Now you will play Milan, Juventus. If you win against one of these top teams, I’ll bring a coachload of whores into the locker room.”
Parole indegne, ancora più ignobili se a proferirle è un senatore della Repubblica e leader di un partito.
Becero sessismo usato come goliardia.
Ricordo che Meloni, Salvini e Tajani volevano #Berlusconi #PresidentedellaRepubblica. pic.twitter.com/EBpTUOBZ42
— Laura Boldrini (@lauraboldrini) December 14, 2022
The pep talk was greeted with big bawdy cheers from the men in the audience, and horrified silence from the women.
It’s a surprise they were present at all – normally you’d expect Silvio to show the wives and female staff out the room with a quick pat on the bum, but his own wife was in the front row to see him rouse the troops.
And if you’re wondering what kind of woman would marry an 85-year-old disgraced politician who is so de-sensitised to prostitutes that he measures them by the “coachload”, then the answer is 32-year-old Marta Fascina.
Although for the sake of accuracy, we should say the pair aren’t technically married – Silvio’s kids blocked them from formally marrying so they held a non-binding “festival of love” ceremony in April.