Has Eric Abidal been harvesting organs?

Another ludicrous twist in the PSG soap opera: technical director Eric Abidal has been accused of trafficking human organs.
The former Barcelona defender has always claimed his 2011 liver transplant came from his cousin Gerard Armand, who insisted “I never received a dime for it”.
But now it turns out the pair aren’t related at all, raising concerns that Eric may have paid Gerard for the donation or, worse, bought it from some other, sinister source.
Police first became suspicious after hearing secret recordings of former Barcelona president Sandro Rossell discussing “the purchase of an illegal liver”, which is a tough one to explain away.
It’s caps off an eventful six months for Abidal – in November he was caught doing the dirty on his wife with Kheira Hamraoui, the midfielder who masked men attacked with iron bars.
Never a dull moment at PSG!