18th Nov, 2021 Football

Let us roll ze dice, ma cherie

Just when we’d accepted Eric Cantona living the life of a suburban chartered surveyor, here comes another shocking tale of frugality from a charismatic French genius.

David Ginola says he used to play the lottery in the hope of escaping the “slavery of work” in the Premier League. 

Strange policy for a global sex symbol who earned millions playing football and flaunting his silky locks in L’Oreal adverts. 

Here’s his explanation:

I don’t play the lottery now, but I used to when I was playing for Newcastle. It was because our housekeeper did it every week and she used to get me to join in with her and give her numbers.

I used to joke with her that we would win the jackpot and run away together.

Ah, he was trying to shag the housekeeper. That explains it. 

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