30th Dec, 2021 Golf

John Daly’s daily diet

Before you embark on a month of miserable green soups, “couch to 10k” and 0.5% lager, remind yourself that a week of indulgence is nothing compared to John Daly’s daily intake.

According to his memoirs, the American would consume all of this every day at his peak:

  • 3-4 trips to McDonald’s (“I used to be able to eat two Big Macs, two or three cheeseburgers, chocolate shake, regular Coke back then in a sitting pretty easily.”)
  • Burger King
  • Taco Bell
  • 4-6 packs of M&Ms (“Peanut M&Ms… loved ’em.”)
  • “Multiple” packs of chocolate muffins
  • Chocolate ice cream
  • 12-20 Diet Cokes
  • Over 40 cigarettes (“Two packs… two and a half packs a day.”)
  • No water (“I don’t drink water… I hate water. I cannot stand to drink water.”)

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