Roast Beef: when Ian Botham was ambushed by the Scottish students

A plum job for exiled pundit Ian Botham, who is now the UK’s trade envoy to Australia.
Lord Botham is well prepared for the rough and tumble of politics thanks to the absolute shafting he received during a televised BBC Q&A with some children in 1986.
A croaky and hungover Beefy was probably expecting to sign a few caps and talk about the time he smashed Merv Hughes for 22 in one over.
Instead, he was grilled by a relentless cast of unsmiling Scottish students about his drug use, love of bloodsports, and refusal to change nappies.
As the show goes on, Botham becomes increasingly defensive, channelling David Brent and Alan Partridge.
He offers up some hilariously flippant responses, which climax with him telling a teenager: “You must have a sense of humour in there somewhere, love.”
Here’s the full clip: