The great Tailgate v Quailgate debate

On Monday, we showed you a photo of two gents who brought a candelabra for their picnic at Royal Ascot.
We contrasted it with tailgating, an American pre-match tradition where rednecks barbecue meat and turn their pick up trucks into makeshift jacuzzis while guzzling down revolting drinks in red plastic cups.
See above for photos of both.
We asked you which you’d prefer: Tailgating or Quailgating. Now the results are in, and it’s a dead heat between the Candelabra-wielding softies and the rednecks stuffing their faces with BBQ while knee deep in slurry.
But neither were as popular as dragging your genitals through broken glass.

While we’re on the topic of posh picnics at sports events, The Upshot once had the misfortune to attend the sailing regatta Cowes Week, where we overheard a ruddy-faced, gout-ridden old toff yell, “You can shag my daughter and bugger my son, but never cut the nose off my brie“.
True story.